Spanish Version
The activities of the Continuous Training Program are directed to people who are already part of the Judiciary. According to its legal mandate, its purpose is to promote new knowledge acquisition and to develop skills to better perform their task. This aim is achieved, on the one hand, by the professional experience of the people who work in the judiciary and, on the other, through their participation, as faculty or students, in the development of activities or courses, intended to profit from such experience and give participants theoretic and practical tools suitable to the task they are responsible for. Training courses are carried out all over the country based on a system of competitive funds. In this way, and as rule of thumb, it’s not the Academy which delivers a course. The courses are delivered by people who, as natural person or under the auspices of an institution, were awarded in the respective process. The delivery of the courses is supervised by the Judicial Academy. Each year, the Judicial Academy offers a wide range of courses, including contents ranging from legal theory to law, to topics aimed at improving the day-to-day aspects of court work, including technical and management skills.